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Gaseous State

Gas : A gas consists of molecules separated wide apart in empty space. The molecules are free to move about throughout the container.

Liquid : A liquid has molecules touching each others, However, the intermolecular space permit the movement of molecules throughout the liquid.

Solid : A solid has molecules, atoms or ions arranged in a certain order in fixed position in the crystal lattice. The particales in a solid are not free to move about but vibrate in their fixed position.

General characteristic of gas

i) Expansibility: Gas have limitless expansibility. They expand to fill the entire vessel they are placed in.

ii) Compressibility: Gases are easily compressed by application of pressure to a moveable piston filled in the container.

iii) Diffusibility: Gases can diffuse rapidly through each other to form a homogeneous mixture.

iv) Pressure : Gases exists pressure on the walls of the container in all directions.

v) Effect of heat : When a gas confined in a vessel its pressure increase upon heating in a vessel filled with a piston volume of a gas increases.

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